It is no surprise to anyone that I am the most thankful for my friends. I have the best circle of friends who love and support me unconditionally and there are many things I would not have been able to achieve had it not been for all of you. Some I’ve known my whole life, others I’ve just met. Either way, my friends are near and dear to my heart and I love you all and would do anything for each and every one of you. I really mean that. There are many things I’m excited about right now and it just wouldn’t be the same without my friends by my side to enjoy these things with!
I’m getting ready to run my first marathon on January 16 and have been training since June for this. It has taken a lot of hard work and dedication and I can’t believe how many people have supported me in this and how many of you have expressed your pride and willingness to even come cheer me on, on that day!
Another large response and amount of support I’ve received is concerning my graduation. On December 17 I will be an official graduate from NAU with my BAS in Justice System Policy and Planning. I began school in the Fall of 2004. This has been a very long 6 years of working, going to school, and trying to balance a life full of friends and relationships. Of course none of the relationships made it through but my friends did! It truly amazes me how many people are proud of me for accomplishing this goal. Although I do find it a big accomplishment, it’s hard for me to understand how so many of you stood by my side this entire time and have always congratulated me and now want to go to my graduation to see me walk. At the very least you’re going to go celebrate with me which is always a good time. I truly feel very thankful for so much love and support!
There are several other things I’m thankful for as well. My health, my intelligence, my job to name a few. Although I do believe friendships have made these things possible as well. Wow…my friends really are the best :)
My kitties are pretty great too. I never thought I’d love owning pets but I’d be so sad without Memphis and Austin. They’ve been with me through a lot as well. Plus they’re pretty damn cute :)
It’s okay that I haven’t found love with a man yet…I know I’m never alone. I realize it’s not quite the same but I would never trade the love from my friends for a man…not in a million years. It will happen for me when the time is right so in the mean time I’m going to continue to appreciate the hell out of my friends from now until the day I die.
Whoa. That got deep. Ha, ha! It’s true though…I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!
Gotta have the support of your friends, great post! ;0)
ReplyDeleteWhen one has good friends , friends that show support , caring, kindness and unconditional love. One has to stop and think , "How did I deserve this?" I can tell you how. For one that gets all those things from others, who they now are friends, GAVE all those things out to all those people . Maybe not all to one, maybe not any to one person YET. But because you possess such qualities one must assume that is what gifted you of those around you that are of the same nature that you are. Call it karma, or give what you get. I call it making good choices and picking people (that end up being friends) that are much like you. So don't think all those that are lucky enough to be honored with your friendship are any less happy YOU are their friend. Funny how that works., but it just seems to. Your Friend,
ReplyDeletePerhaps when looking for love you should stay away from men who are married and are only using you to get over the hurt of a wife leaving them. Just a thought, especially when it is obvious to you that he is madly in love with her and is only going to screw you to get back at her. But in the end, their love is so strong, not even Maharry Balls stood a chance. That always gives me a good laugh!
ReplyDeleteYou know what gives me a good laugh?! All the pictures of your junk that I have and will post for everyone to see should you decide to leave a rude comment like this again. You are so full of shit...but that's okay, I'm just glad it's all over with.
ReplyDeleteSWEET! You saved them because you like to get off looking at them! You always said how much you loved my cock in you, although I am sure you loved everyones cock in you :)
ReplyDeleteOh, and dont think for a second I erased your pics :P
ReplyDeleteI never thought that you did. I have a head shot though. But that would be too easy. I have something else in store for you.
ReplyDeleteNice try Joslyn. I love angry women.
ReplyDeletePlease get over yourself "daddy"...I mean really, she hasn't talked or thought about you in quite some time, so don't make yourself look foolish. If you're happy with where you're at in life then that's all that matters...and you should have to prove your happiness by slandering an ex. Just move on.